Monday, 2 April 2007

Can You Hear Me, Mother...?

It's been a rock'n' roll week. Not Alf, pop pickers! As well as presenting the breakfast show, I filled in for Dave Hickman on the afternoon show on the DAB and Sky channel 0161 Rock Station, The Arrow. So it was a bit of a Hennegan Rock Sandwich for Arrow listeners. I like radio, and certainly the management of radio stations has improved markedly since I first started. A few years ago now, actually. In fact, thinking about it, Marconi had not long warmed up his first valve! Or at least 1977-ish in a broom cupboard in an ecumenical centre in Thamesmead, South East London. Nick Mobbs, as I was known then, simply because I used to open the doors to the studios and encourage people to come in for a chat. Or a sing. Or anything really. Nick and his Mobbs. And BBC's Steve Wright thinks he was the first jock in the UK to have a gang in a radio studio.

The Arrow, which is part of Chrysalis Radio who also own Galaxy and Heart, has been a great help personally over the last four years or so, and particularly the Programme Director, Alan, who is demanding in a very cool, undemanding way! I'm not moaning about Maverick Theatre, because I chose to do it, but I hadn't realised how hard it was and the toll taken by the grinding poverty until I started to earn a 'normal' living with the Arrow. The relief of only having one job to think about and knowing the bills could be paid at the end of each month was nothing short of glorious. Till I got itchy feet again, of course, which seems to happen every couple of years or so. One of the glories of theatre is that every production, every audience, every night is usually different. Also I feel I failed with Maverick before, because I was not able to make it pay enough to earn a reasonable living for those involved . There are many people who disagree with me and don't see Maverick was a failure in any way, but then they didn't have to struggle with periods on the dole and crushing debts. What made it even worse was that some people would see a packed audience and think I was rolling in it! I eventually gave up trying to point out the economic differences between Cameron M's Palace Theatre and Nick H's Billesley Pub Theatre. I once had to make ten Sovereign and a 25p packet of noodles last a week! Oh the romance of it all. We do laugh now! The struggling artist in his garrote. Balls! I ain't never gonna do that again, brothers and sisters! Not if I can help it anyway. There is NO glamour in poverty. I'm not bothered about being rich, but I've not had more than a weekend away since 1994. A week on holiday should not be a luxury.

And talking of finance - a bit of bad news. My accountant basically thinks my Business Plan is a non-starter commercially. Bugger. I appreciate his directness, though. I have two other people looking at it, but it's a curious dichotomy. To run things properly we need about £47,000. This debt starts to get re-paid after the first year. Them's the figures, but obviously I'm not skilled enough to present them correctly. Mmm. Time to think again.

After I've heard from my accountant, I go for milk from the supermarket. I can tell you it's a very frightening moment when I suddenly realise I've been subconsciously pricing the packets of noodles. Fortunately I no longer smoke, so I ignore the packets of Sovereign...!

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