Wednesday, 28 March 2007

I Kick My A*se!

Things move on a theatrical pace. I go see another Business Adviser at Birmingham Central Library. Libraries, by the way are Good Places. Use yours as much as you can, so you don't lose it! So I'm sitting there at a screen in the glass bubble of the Central Library business bit and looking through a database of organizations that give funds. And I'm struck by the fact that I'm running out of dosh and I gave myself 6 months to decide the best way forward for me and my demanding mistress maverick and that time runs out at the end of March. Sort of now-ish! So it's time to just do it, as the TV ad says. Just do it Nick. So now I'm going to focus on what I can achieve by the end of this year. I get back home and fire off e-mails at a savage rate. Maverick will be a full Independent Theatre Council member by the end of the month, a non-profit distributing Limited Company and possibly a charity by the end of the year. And Henry V - Lion of England will have completed a national tour by Christmas. The other irons I have in the fire can take their place in the queue. If they work out, all well and good. If not, then at least Maverick will be making work. Good. Thats better. Just do it Nick, you prat.

With a lilt in my step, I jump in me Renault Reliant and drive down to London for the weekend to see the lovely Anne acting in a short ten minute play, written by a ten year old. There are about twenty such pieces, all written by children and presented by a charity in Camden. The results are original, refreshing and often hilarious. I'm struck particularly by how good all the actors are, and Anne's portrayal of a Robin is spot on. Surreal but believable with perfect movement. Her comic delivery is impeccable, too. An enjoyable afternoon. We all retire to a pub in Camden and get gently twisted!

On Monday I have a photo shoot for a press release I'm working on, dwalink. Well all right, when I say photo shoot, I mean Rebecca takes a snap on me camera phone in the beer garden of the Roebuck Pub on Chiswick High Road. The result of our 'photo call' is top right on this page. Just don't tell anyone!

PS Just shows you what a small world this theatre lark inhabits. As I'm leaving the theatre in Camden, a voice shouts out,
"Nick Hennegan, what are you doing here?"
It's Jez, an actor who trained with an ex-girlfriend in Birmingham last century! Nice bloke. Small world!

1 comment:

Nick said...

Just testing. quite a few people have said comments are impossible. Lets see if this works, although obviously, I'm registered with Blogger.