Wednesday 25 July 2012

Loving Literature, boozers and partners...

I've not been here for a while and it's the old thang about Twitter and Facebook et al, against 'old fashioned' blogging. I also now have an iPad and for some reason it doesn't seem to want to let me upload images to Blogger. Any idea how I get round that? Anyhow, the sun has finally arrived with the Olympics and we have launched the first London Literary Pub Crawl. I want this to work and if I can get it right it might change the fortunes of both me and Maverick Theatre. The one lesson I have learned over the last few years of running Maverick is that you can't do it on your own. John Slater and I were able to sustain a huge amount of work together; far greater than the sum of our parts. I now realise I need collaborators and partners, not just for any social reason, but because there are many people much smarter than I who are prepared to sign up for a concept and try and get it off the ground. So I might blog the process of this. Possibly for my own well being. When you find yourself working on your own, it's great to have at least a blog to replace your work colleagues. And like many people in 'proper' jobs, I can take me iPad down the pub on a Friday night after work and talk about what the Blog is going on. Let's see if this blog works first. The first written on my iPad. Down the pub, as it happens...!


Anonymous said...

Good for you Nick. I started seeing plays at the billesley. You done great. I see theatre often now thanks to maverick. I don't think the rep has ever been as good was you were. I know it about money, but Brum is poorer now you've gone to London. The councils should pay you to come back. Me and my kids are better because of maverick. Cheers mate. Ed.

Nick said...

Hi Ed... believe it or not, I've JUST seen this comment. Thanks so much. And I'll be better at checking back. Can I use your comments on the website Cheers.