Friday, 18 May 2007

Strewth Mate! What a tragedy!

Hot News. Funding crises in the Arts? The Olympics might actually bring some benefit to those OUTSIDE London? No. Worse. THE BBC ARE TO STOP SHOWING NEIGHBOURS! Yes it's BBC Curtains for the Aussie Soap!

It's some sort of bidding war, but they know not what they do, poor fools. For years presenting plays, mainly at the Billesley Pub in South Birmingham, myself and many of my fellow artistes would regail each other with tales of our regular breakfast television treat. It was a treasured routine for us pub thesps! Show, Beer, Curry, bed at 4 or 5am, then up with a spring in the step for our Breakfast Television - The 1 o'clock news on the BBC and then Neighbours. Real life like!

Sadly, with the current pressure of re-starting the Maverick, I now find myself getting up in the middle of the night... 9am, a ridiculous time, I know. But the old habit dies hard and I retire with a cup of tea and a marmalade sandwich come 1.40pm each day to luxuriate with my daily dose of Aussie bimbo's and blokeo's, laughable plots and vacuous characters.

So it looks like it'll be Neighbours with commercial breaks! BBC. Why oh why oh why! I am a license payer! And what about the health service. And immigration. The fabric of the country. And the youth of today! The worlds gone mad, I tell you...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tragedy! I'll give you tragedy. If had'nt had met you and your acursed "theatrical types" I could now be a... be a... a... well something by now! A dog handler maybe, a pro kite flyer, a sewing machine repair man, chairman of a plastic kitten making company. I could have been anything. But oh no you had to go and introduce me to the world of theatre and words and late nights and women (okay I did "know" a few woman before I met your lot) and now I'm doomed to write and shoot films and stay up late drinking and have many a laugh and moment of doubt in equal measure (where is the doubt in plastic kitten manafacture I ask you?) B*~tard. Anyhow Nick "mate" enough of this type of typing (?) I have to get moving as I have another screenplay to finish and the muse, once let in, is well let's just say she is "demanding". I curse ye from the darkest depths of Chiswick. P.S Say hi to Rebs.