Sunday, 13 May 2007

Could be some exciting stuff goin' down...!

...but I can't really announce it to the world yet. It's not me being mysterious, it's just that it's not good to count your chickens before they've hatched, etc. And my eggs may have only just been fertilized, if you get my meaning...!

But here's a pictoral clue!

Well, slap my thigh and call me Roger, sirrah! T'is a Theatre most Globe-ish. And most Shakespearean.

And talking of London theatrical buildings, if you ever went to the Webber Douglas Academy, prepare for a shock. For now, in the best traditions of photo-journalism, here's a trail of pictures.

The Scene of the Crime! Clareville Street.

Bloody hell! Someone's nicked the Webber Douglas and left a skip outside in its place!

Yep, the hole in the ground behind the black gates is all that is left of a nearly hundred year old drama institution. Shame, innit. And I didn't even go there!

Elsewhere this week, I'm still working on the new website. I haven't advertised it anywhere yet as I'm still finding content and stuff. You can take a sneak peak at . I'd appreciate any comments. And the old website still lives, here.

Off to the City of Birmingham tomorrow to see if I can get any support for my Brave New Maverick World. Mmm. Watch this space!

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