Tuesday, 29 January 2008

Happy New Year!

... a timely welcome as its now nearly February. I've been fairly wrapped up in the festive season - my first in London with me lovely lady - and getting the tour of Henry V - Lion of England on the road. I'm sitting in Sam's Brasserie in Chiswick - a regular haunt for my London jaunts ever since they became one of the first and certainly one of the most stylish places to offer free wi-fi. I haven't sorted out our flat's connectivity yet.

The Spring tour of Henry started really well, with a visit from the Lord Mayor of Birmingham and good audiences at the mac. I mentioned at the time that the presence of the Lord Mayor was a good omen. It was like a kiss from the city. But now the tour goes on. It should pay for itself. But I have no idea what's going to happen financially after that.