Nick Hennegan’s VERY Rough Guide to the Fringe. He presents quick updates from the World's Biggest Open Arts Festival - the Edinburgh 2022 Fringe! On his last day in the Scottish Capital!
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Now nothing, well not much, to do with the Maverick Theatre Company and the London Literary Pub Crawl. But quite a lot to do with living a chaotic Bohemian lifestyle as a writer, producer and director in London and Birmingam.
Nick Hennegan’s VERY Rough Guide to the Fringe. He presents quick updates from the World's Biggest Open Arts Festival - the Edinburgh 2022 Fringe! On his last day in the Scottish Capital!
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Rating: 🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷
5 out of 5. The Full bottle!
We all know about Sherlock Holmes and his arch-enemy, Moriarty. And we all know about Holmes' best friend, Watson.
But do we?
Sherlock Holmes of Baker Street is a world-wide Literary Legend. Indeed, I've quite recently interviewed an author who has been commissioned to write new Sherlock stories. Have a fumble through this blog and you'll find it!
But here, at the Assembly Rooms in Edinburgh, Watson is touchingly alone. His beloved wife Mary and the great Sherlock Holmes are both gone. London seethes with false reports and rumours. So it is time to set the record straight.
What the hugely talented Tim Marriott has done, with co-writer and director Bert Coules, is give us a fresh and fantastic take on the whole Sherlock Holmes and Watson story and what really happened with the two friends from Watson's partisan point of view.
You need no previous knowledge of Sherlock Holmes. Tim (forever famous for playing Gavin in the rather brilliant BBC sitcom The Brittas Empire) takes us on an adventure that is both epic, yet strangely emotional. Watson, the now lonely old soldier, is very keen to do the right thing by everyone - especially Holmes. Marriott brings a very relevant characterisation to a fictional conceit and plays the various characters - including of course, Holmes - with a nuanced talent which is both intimate yet expansive.
Watson, the old soldier, has a story to tell. And we get an entertaining Boys-Own romp with an adult and emotional heart.
Elementary, my dear Marriott.
Nick Hennegan’s VERY Rough Guide to the Fringe. He presents quick updates from the World's Biggest Open Arts Festival - the Edinburgh 2022 Fringe! This time, Sir Ian McKellen, Sherlock Holmes and Scrummie Mummies!
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Nick Hennegan’s VERY Rough Guide to the Fringe. He presents updates from the World's Biggest Open Arts Festival - the Edinburgh 2022 Fringe! Here we find out about a youth company in Edinburgh
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Nick Hennegan blasts off with full coverage of the SpaceUK venue launch for the Edinburgh Fringe, 2022.
Contains some strong language and adult themes.
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Nick Hennegan's Rough Guide to the 2022 Edinburgh Fringe continues with the creator of Fringe Review, Paul Levy. Also on
Nick Hennegan talks to American Brendan George about his time at the Edinburgh Fringe with A Eulogy for Roman.
Also on Bohemian
Nick Hennegan talks to first-time theatre producer Izzy Parriss about her first ever production and launch at the Edinburgh Fringe, Dear Little Loz.
Also on Bohemian
It’s a question I’m often asked. My first Edinburgh Fringe was in 1992. And it cost me nothing. Zero. Zilch! Other than beer and food, of course! And I wasn’t COMPLETELY happy about that!
I feel a bit click-bait about this, but if you know me, you’ll know I’ve never been as commercial as I should be. I’ve also only recently realised that I’m actually very experienced when it comes to the Edinburgh Festival having been there most years since 1992.
So, how much does it cost? The short answer is it can be hugely expensive. This year, 2022, ironically, post-lockdown, perhaps more than most! Accommodation, particularly, has rocketed. But it doesn’t have to be. If you are an artist reading this, the first question you need to ask yourself is - WHY do Edinburgh? We all kinda know the answer. Probably everyone you’ve ever seen in comedy on British TV was ‘discovered’ in Edinburgh. The whole theatre and TV industry decamps to Scotland for the festival in August. But don't let the idea of fame and fortune be your only motivation. It's a sobering fact that the average audience in the Fringe is four. Yep, four people. I've been to productions where I'm the only person in the audience!
It’s also worth clarifying what the Edinburgh Festival is. It’s actually a number of different festivals. The Fringe was a radical reaction to the very posh International Festival started after the Second World War. Which was a Very Good Thing! But then, 75 years ago this very year, a bunch of Oxbridge type students (I think) decided to 'ambush' the Posh Festival and be 'alternative'. I put these words in quotation marks, because what was then the Fringe has now become the biggest open arts festival in the world.
So, should you go? Maybe. Are you doing Comedy? Look at the Free Fringes. There's a couple of them. You have to do your own door-keeping and I'm not sure they're so good for drama, but let me know if you disagree. It's no frills, pass the hat around afterwards, and you may not make your student accommodation rent (oh, and by the way, in spite of the madness of the Scottish Government changing the rules this year, try and get student accommodation for August. It'll cost more than a Chelsea flat, but less than the £10.5k I was quoted for a 3 bed flat this August!!)
And, mainly, expect nothing, but have fun!
Nick Hennegan’s VERY Rough Guide to the Fringe. He presents quick updates from the World's Biggest Open Arts Festival - the Edinburgh 2022 Fringe! Also at
Nick Hennegan's VERY rough guide to the Edinburgh Fringe.
Not sure what day it is - but we sold out Winston and David at the Edinburgh Fringe and there's talk of the USA - gee wiz!
Nick Hennegan presents quick updates from the World's Biggest Open Arts Festival - the Edinburgh 2022 Fringe!
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Nick Hennegan presents quick updates from the World's Biggest Open Arts Festival - the Edinburgh 2022 Fringe!
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