Friday, 8 April 2011

To Write or not to Write, that is the question...

... or rather, to blog or not to blog. Or at least where to blog.  Read on...

Now I've finished Uni and the banks are being uncooperative with the £15k I need to get Maverick Theatre out touring, I've been looking at other ways of generating income.  (This is Producer Speak for I'm looking for a job!)

I came across a site offering income for blog posts and subsequently read an article in Writer magazine about such sites.  They survive by attracting search engines and splitting some of the income with you.  But you need to write SEO stuff that computerised machines will be likin'. The title of this little rant, for instance, is not very good.  If it said 'Royal Wedding Prince William Make Cash Quick Sex' it would attract more search engines and therefore earn the site more money.

In fact, what a good idea...!

Back in a moment....

Royal Wedding Prince William Make Cash Quick Sex

There. Now let's see if that generates any traffic from the Bots.  It's already attracted Spam Comments, but Blogger seems rather good at getting rid of them.

Anyway, back to the point.  The article basically concluded that in terms of writing style and volume of posts needed for the blog sites, it was probably better creatively to do it yourself and if you can generate enough traffic, you might even earn a bit too.

And so I shall attempt to become more regular.  And see what happens.

Anyone know how to make any additional income out of the Royal Wedding Prince William Make Cash Quick Sex?

Just wondered.